* Dresses should be hemmed
3 inches from the floor with shoes on
* On concert day hair should be pulled away from
the face,only black hair accesories may be used, natural
looking nail polish (pale pink, or clear polish), stud
earrings may be worn for girls, no necklaces or bracelets,
black socks for boys
* A snack and homework may be brought on concert
day since call time is typically at 4:30-5:00
* Please be in full concert attire at the given call time
* All rehearsal and concerts are mandatory
C o n c e r t s
Should a concert or dress rehearsal be missed due to illness or family emergency please contact Ms. Enriquez immediately to receive a due date for the make up project. The make up project for a missed dress rehearsal is the following:
Research a composer’s life using books and these internet sites: Click Listen, then by composer Look in the composer gallery Scroll down to Library, and then Meet the Composer Click composers
2. Write a full page biography about the composer’s life including important facts such as birth/death, where he/she lived, what his/she life was like, musical contributions, famous works, and anything else you may find that is interesting about your composer. Email this to Ms. Enriquez at Project to be finished be the end of the week of the concert date.
The make up project for a missed performance is the following:
3. The completion of steps 1-2 posted above and an additional power point presentation based on the biography you wrote about the composer with a minimum of 6 google slides emailed to Ms. Enriquez at Project to be finished be the end of the week of the concert date.